like state Sen. Charles Scott

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THE ISSUE: A budget conference committee in the Legislature will consider one final option related to the expansion of Medicaid.WE BELIEVE: Lawmakers should approve an amendment to OK talks between state officials and the feds. They have nothing to lose by approving it.TELL US WHAT YOU THINK: Contact us via email at .One of the mantras that lawmakers have chanted over the past couple of years is that they are not opposed to Medicaid expansion just because its source is Obamacare.They assert their resistance is not political. They say their concerns about the expansion an optional part of the health-care law developed by President Barack Obama are many,ray ban sunglasses outlet, including whether the feds will come up with their share of the funding.Now they have a chance to prove it. After having run the gamut of expansion options in this budget session,gen16530, lawmakers now have stripped it to the barest of bones.All that remains is a budget amendment passed by the House of Representatives. It directs the governor,,humility, the director of the Wyoming Department of Health and the insurance commissioner to open talks with the feds about an expansion waiver for the state.A similar amendment failed in the state Senate. But lawmakers could keep it alive during negotiations in conference committee.If lawmakers cannot bring themselves to allow at least a conversation about what the expansion which would provide some 17,,one of the 20th century ‘s iconic chamber works.,600 needy Wyomingites with health insurance might look like,, they need to stop pretending. This really would be all about politics after all. (We continue to believe that if this were Romneycare,fake uggs, it would pass in a heartbeat.)Funny thing is,and eventually making a beeline for San Francisco,cheap ray bans,soy sauce, this budget amendment is exactly what the proposed Medicaid Fit program is all about. This is one option that lawmakers rejected this session. Medicaid Fit,we always will be friends, which we favor, would offer an expansion,, but only after Wyoming and the federal government settle on a waiver. That would let the state tailor the various offerings in the expansion to its own needs.The remaining budget amendment is, of course,or a cane., one step removed from that. It does not commit Wyoming to anything until the state can see what the feds will or will not allow.We suspect legislators who are sitting on the fence might lean toward passage if they are able to see what expansion looks like. Hear state Rep. Albert Sommers, R-Pinedale: With this (amendment),coach outlet online, you d at least get the opportunity to have the powers that be come together and devise an actual program that you can actually look at and then evaluate as policymakers. That should appeal to even the most ardent opponents of the expansion, like state Sen. Charles Scott,michael kors outlet online, R-Casper. He frets that residents added to the program will overuse its offerings. Perhaps that could be controlled through a waiver as might many of the other things that have caused lawmakers to vote against expansion.But no one ever will know if the governor and other officials cannot sit down and have a discussion with the federal government about it. And that depends on the Legislature, which currently bans such conversations.It is said that talk is cheap. But in this case, that is a good thing. Wyoming will lose nothing by talking with federal officials about tailoring a Medicaid expansion to this state s needs and wants.The conference committee should approve this budget amendment. Set politics aside and let s see whether there is some acceptable pathway to helping the state s needy.